Speaking of free patterns, I just made some flannel burp cloths from a free pattern. I've got two couples to give gifts to: one had a boy last week and another due with a boy in early December. The pattern was easy to put together. Here is the link. The directions I used were for sewing without a serger, flipping it inside out and topstitching. Make sure to use some sort of orange stick or blunt pointed object to smooth out the seams before ironing.

I did add two things regarding closing up the seam, although it does involve fabric glue. (I'm lazy to do anything by hand). It is much easier to sew the closure shut if you start at the indent in the middle, not at the bottom of one of the ends. Also, if you only sew a 1/4" seam and do a 1/4" topstitch, you willl most likely not sew the opening shut. I opted to use Liquid Stitch to close the opening, which is washable, quick and can't be seen. Purists may want to just use an invisible stich to close the opening.
I also experimented with one side being terrycloth instead of flannel. Maybe my sewing skills are just lacking, but the terrycloth distorts so much that the shape ended up out of whack.
Do all you Moms out there prefer this style of burp cloth or this?
those are cute! you have great taste in fabric...I can attest to that first hand.
Thanks for the link! I've just finished making a few burp cloths out of cloth diapers, but I like the shape of these.
I actually made a pattern myself that are shaped similar to the ones you made, just a tad wider (cool that there's a free pattern now). These were perfect to use while BFing my girlie. The others are great for burping and other things. So I guess I am no help since I like both for different reasons :)Yours are adorable.
I made just made these for a friend and like your idea of using the stay stitch (it's not lazy..it is called time crunch!) I liked this shape when my boys were younger..I think they just 'fit' better over the shoulder/around the neck.
My husband bought me a sewing machine last year for Christmas, it is still in the box. I am 20 weeks pregnant with our first and he wants me to start using it. I decided these burp cloths would be perfect for starters. So I went out and got some fabric. One is flannel the other is not. Now that I have the fabric I am unsure what to do next. I just want to know where to start. Any suggestions?
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