Friday, May 16, 2014

Quilter's Cheat Sheet Freebie

Like all quilters, I always find myself calculating some of the same measurements over and over, which is hardest while actually at a quilt shop. I finally created a little cheat sheet for myself. I'll be giving them to my quilt guild tomorrow. I wanted to share it with you too!

  • There are yardage calculations for straight grain, double fold binding (which is how I do binding 95% of the time) for a few different binding widths. It even says how many strips you need to cut.
  • There is a quilt size and backing chart which shows the minimum sizes and backing yardage needed. 
  • It's got a yards to inches conversion because no matter how many times I think about those numbers, I always seem to draw a blank when I get to a cut counter.
  • Finally, on the back, there are some calculation guides for creating squares, half square triangle blocks and quarter square triangle blocks.
  • All of that, and it folds up to the size of a business card.
I hope you find this useful! Click on the image below to get the pdf, open that file and print (no scaling), cut out on the black lines, then fold long sides together and then fold short sides together, and voila—you've got yourself a handy, dandy little cheat sheet wherever you go.

PS: I hope to show you more about that Quilts for the Making logo soon!