The prefinished floors were red oak, stained gunstock. They installed new red oak where there was carpet and refinished the rest. Then it was all stained nutmeg and sealed at the same time. You can't tell at all that it wasn't installed at the same time. They even got rid of the beveled edge from the prefinished floors.

Here is the progress two days later after carpet was ripped up and walls were painted. I know, we got rid of one green only to paint another. But, this time it is a modern fern green.

The contractors came and covered what they could with plastic. It was such an uncomfortable feeling to have everything a mess and covered up with the sheets. DH and I were glad to be able to stay at a friend's house while the work & varnishing was going on.

The new wood (red oak to match the existing)

Ta da! New floors. Trim is in progress. DH is doing that part. It looks white in the photo but it is pine that isn't stained yet (its just resting on the wall).

The floors really look fabulous. The color is light enough to brighten the space but the dark grain picks up on the dark color of the woodwork in the rest of the house. I can't wait to have the project complete!
They're gorgeous. I have a bit of envy, I must confess...
what beautiful new floors! I bet you are anxious to get your house back. will you be sure to show us after shots when everything is put back together?
Congrats on the new flooring. Just beautiful!
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